I believe systemic racism and critical race theory CREATE racism. Systemic racism is defined as each major part of U.S. society—the economy, politics, education, religion, the family—reflects the fundamental reality of systemic racism….From the beginning of our founding.
Critical Theory, originated by Karl Marx has been applied to race, and is similarly defined as; intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour.
Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans. To fully envelope yourself in these belief systems requires you to look at everyone and everything through the lens of race, which means no decision to be made in society is not racist. A perfect example is this…. A white man that owns a tailor shop is working alone one day. Two people walk in at the same time, one white man and one black man. The white shop owner has to make a decision on who to help first. If he helps the white man, he’s automatically racist, if he helps the black man first he’s also racist, because through this new lens of thought he needed to help the black man first to not be racist, however, that in and of itself is also racist. So there is no literal end to racism when using race as a filter.
Countless kids are speaking to school boards across the country that have been taught CRT with principles that use equity statements, and in these equity statements, caucasians aren’t part of it…(also racist). The common thread with these kids are how they view their friends now. Before these teachings kids never saw color, but now they do.
Another common thread, and one I’m familiar with, lies in homework assignments…Changing the narrative of the assignment to fit the narrative of the school. This is dangerous territory and I don’t see this as a way to combat racism. In my opinion activist groups like BLM are only spreading racism. I’m not saying that certain people aren’t racist. I’m saying you can’t classify a race as racist based on their past. Going back to my father/son example, if my dad is a murderer, I’m a murderer as well.
Many refute these claims as taking personal responsibility for the past mistakes our country has made. Haven’t we as a country already done this? As it stands, minorities are provided a hand up in almost every area of our government, including employment although up to Hollywood. If we were inherently racist based on our past, then how do we have the most diverse political members of any nation? This goes for every profession, not just political… What is there to actually fix? You can’t fix racism by looking at everything through a lens colored by race.